So as you've probably noticed, it's been a few days since I've posted anything. It's not that I haven't wanted to, just that I haven't had ANY time at all! Which is weird, because I didn't go out and see lots of sights. I guess schoolwork is finally catching up with me. I went to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Knesset, and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls (we weren't allowed to take pictures at the last 2 places though-sorry). The Knesset is the parliament for Israel. It was really cool to see, and there was tons of artwork by Chagall so I enjoyed it. We're leaving for Egypt on Sunday for 8 days, so my next post won't be until...Tuesday? I think it'll probably be around then. Until then, here are some pictures from that past couple of days to tide you over.
This is a picture of what Jerusalem would have looked like during the Second Temple Period.

Ashley! It looks like you're having so much fun...I bet it's really cool to actually be there - probably a lot different than you thought. I love the pictures. Looks like you'll have the whole place covered by the time you leave. Have fun!
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