Parading through Lion's Gate
Yesterday was Palm Sunday! Whenever I saw that written on a calendar before, it didn’t have any meaning to me. But now I know that Palm Sunday means a parade in the streets, with everyone singing and waving their palm fronds. It’s such a party! There were a few thousand people gathered in Bethphage, where the procession begins. There is a little church in Bethphage where they have the supposed stone that Jesus used to get on the donkey as he began His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. All of the students at the Jerusalem Center participated in the parade and we even got filmed and got our pictures taken by the AP. So look for me in the international news! It was also fun because everyone was speaking different languages, and one time we were singing “How Great Thou Art”, and a group next to us started singing with us in their own language. It was awesome to have that connection with them even though we couldn’t actually communicate with each other. Two hours (and less than a mile) later, I made it through Lion’s Gate to the church where they have Mass. I didn’t stay for that part, but it was such a fun outing!

Jesus' "stepping stone"

Yay for palm fronds!

Look at all of the pilgrims!
Looks like an exciting place to be for Easter.
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