Ok, I know I got back from Galilee awhile ago. I've just been lazy, and well....I still am. So here are the pictures with a little caption as to what they're about, but you'll have to stay tuned for the actual text. You'll take what you can get, right? ;)

This is at Megiddo. It's actually called Har Megiddo in Hebrew, which is how we get our word Armageddon. Therefore, the impending doom pose.

On the Sea of Galilee!

Mt. of the Beatitudes. Mussolini built this church, which I thought was kind of ironic.

This is a synagogue in Capernaum. Jesus probably taught at this exact synagogue! And Peter's house is literally right next door.

At church in Tiberias! The branch building was dedicated about a year ago. Also, notice the skirt...it's from a shop in Tiberias. I haven't had new clothes in 3 months!

This is at a baptismal site on the Jordan. There were tons of pilgrims getting baptized, some even two at a time!

This was in the church on Mt. Tabor, which is the traditional site of the Mt. of Transfiguration.

At a bonfire our last night staying in Galilee!

This was a mosaic at the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth. Countries from all over the world sent in art depicting Mary talking to the angel. This one's from Paraguay (for Lane, naturally)

At the Bahai Gardens. The Bahai religion is a sect of Islam. The grounds were beautiful!

At Caesarea. That's the Mediterranean behind me!
I like the new skirt! Is it sad that I know your clothes so much that I noticed it was new before I read that it was? I'm a huge loser! ha ha My three babies do keep me busy, I can't even imagine what it will be like when we have a real one!PS- Do you have an address I can send stuff to?
Great pics, Ashley!!
Your skirt is so cute!!! I must say that I am so proud that you are my girlfriend. There's not another one out there like you!!! I love your pics. Make as many experiences as you can!!!
Great pictures Ashley! It looks like you are having an amazing time and learning so much!
what i notice are the shoes at church: definitely nomad sandals, one pair of american church shoes and one pair of beach bum flip flops--i thought those were not allowed??? and you look lovely!
Great pics
sunny & colourful
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